If these numbers look a little off, it's because some of them were pulled out of somebody's ass. |
The polls don’t look good at all for Donald Trump right now. The RealClearPolitics average of the polls has Hillary Clinton up by 6.7 points. The Huffington Post Pollster has Clinton up by 7.4 points. The New York Times gives Clinton an 80 percent chance of winning the election, and FiveThirtyEight gives her an 81.7 percent chance.
In the face of all this bad news, some Trump supporters have taken it upon themselves to, essentially, make up poll numbers that look favorable for Trump. This is Long Room, the website dedicated to changing poll numbers so they’re "unbiased."
These poll numbers are total bullshit. The website’s methodology page claims that the tracker incorporates state data to accurately reflect the demographics of voters. But it seems that, in reality, if a pollster consistently gets results that favor Clinton, it’s deemed more "biased" — and Long Room changes the number further in Trump’s direction.
Apparently the pro-Trump folks on Reddit are promoting this Longroom "polling" site in the hopes that it will rally the troops to continue supporting a candidate that shoots himself in the foot as often as some people blow their nose.
You may remember that this same thing happened back in 2012 when polls showed President Obama destroying Mitt Romney.
Gee, how did that work out again?
Source http://ift.tt/2b2d9I0