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Monday, 1 August 2016

The New York Post finds those lost nudes of Melania Trump.

Courtesy of the New York Post:  

Decades before she was sporting designer dresses on the stage of the Republican National Convention as Mrs. Trump, Melania Knauss posed nude in a photo spread for a now-defunct French men’s magazine, The Post has learned. 

The leggy, Slovenian-born model — then 25 years old and known by her professional moniker Melania K. — did the steamy photo session in Manhattan in 1995, according to Alé de Basse­ville, the French photographer who shot the sexy snaps. 

The images, some rarely seen and others never published, were obtained exclusively by The Post. 

The bombshell photos show Melania wearing nothing but high heels and pouting for the camera, in a series of images shot from the front, the back and the side.

To be honest I really don't care that Melania Trump once posed nude. I am not offended by nudity.

Besides, full disclosure, there exists in the world nudes of yours truly from a handful of days modeling for a photography class while I was attending college in Hawaii. 

I am not only not ashamed of them, I really wish I could locate them because I looked GOOD.

However having said that we have NEVER had a First Lady whose exposed breasts we have had the opportunity to ogle, and I wonder if America is actually ready for something like that.

Though it should be noted that with all of the overwhelming evidence we have which demonstrates that Donald Trump is not fit to lead this country, his current wife's past modeling career really should not be the deciding factor.


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