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Thursday, 4 August 2016

Secret Service agents rush stage when protesters get too close to Hillary Clinton.

Courtesy of TPM:  

Animal rights protestors appeared at a Hillary Clinton rally Thursday in Las Vegas, to which she quipped that they should be protesting Donald Trump since "his kids have killed a lot of animals." 

As Clinton was discussing her jobs plan, Secret Service agents appeared on stage as a protest broke out. It's unclear if the protesters, apparently belonging to the group "Direct Action Everywhere," tried to rush the stage or whether the agents came onstage as a precaution. 

Clinton brushed off the commotion, joking that the demonstrators must have come to protest her Republican opponent. 

"These people must be here to protest Trump," she said. "He and his kids have killed a lot of animals."

Here is another angle for those confused about what happened.

You know the Right Wing news outlets have been pushing the narrative that Clinton mistreats her staff and that her Secret Service detail does not like her very much, but they certainly seemed quick to respond the minute that it appears she might be in some kind of danger.

By the way I also could not help but notice that Clinton just stood there holding her ground.

Perhaps she could give Doanld Trump lessons in how to sack up in the face of protesters.


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