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Sunday, 14 August 2016

Is Donald Trump being trolled by his own running mate? Maybe.

Courtesy of Politico:

Mike Pence says he is filing his tax returns and will make them available to the public, even as his running mate Donald Trump refuses to do so. 

"When my forms are filed and when my tax returns are released it’s going to be a quick read," the Republican vice presidential nominee said Saturday on WABC Radio's "Election Central with Rita Cosby." "The Pences have not become more wealthy as a result of sixteen years in public service. There's been a lot of sacrifices, we're a middle class family, and it’s been a tremendous honor to serve as I am as Governor of Indiana, and my years in the Congress, and we'll look forward to making all that information available." 

Trump, the GOP presidential nominee, has refused to release his tax returns, citing an IRS audit and advice of his lawyers, despite the IRS having no rule preventing someone under audit from releasing their returns.

So to be clear Hillary Clinton, her running mate Tim Kaine, and now Trump's VP choice Mike Pence are all releasing their tax returns.

Leaving only Donald Trump as the only guy who appears to be hiding something.

Why do I get the feeling that Pence did not clear this with his running mate before going public?


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