Courtesy of the latest Palin sperm donor's Facebook page:
The protected class... such is what it appears to be the case for the top tier politician. (Well at least it's clear he writes his own posts.)
The long and intensive investigation into the mishandling of what the CIA called top secret email correspondence by Hillary Clinton has been going on by the FBI / Justice Department. Even with over 30,000 email leaked to the public and substantial evidence out for the world to see the FBI has issued the statement today that Hillary Clinton has been cleared of any suspicion of unlawful conduct.
This announcement comes on the heels of the release of the report from the now 8th committee formed to investigate the series of events leading up to the attack on U.S. compounds in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 that needlessly claimed the lives of 4 Americans Hillary Clinton and the entire Obama Administration were formally cleared again of any wrong doing. That being said the commission held a 1 hour press conference stating fact after fact after fact proving gross negligence on the part of the Administration putting their own political agenda, including hiding specifics of Hillary’s private war to oust Gaddafi from power in Libya and setting things is (sic) to play for the upcoming presidential election 56 days later, before the lives of Americans. (So according to Meyer the eight investigations failed to find the criminality that he knows exists concerning Benghazi, even though they were conducted by some of the most partisan Republicans in the Congress. Well gee I guess that means they need to launch a ninth one, right Dakota?)
How has this administration gained so much power and influence that even the most obvious of crimes can be so easily excused and overlooked by their supporters? Have we come so far as a nation that politics and corruption are now truly one and the same? Is it still "We the people..."?
So apparently Bristol's baby daddy has never heard of the Bush administration who lied this country into the wars for which he received his medal of honor, or better yet the Reagan administration: "By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."
The idea that the Obama's virtually scandal free eight years is even remotely worse, or even comparable, to the last two Republican administrations is laughable on its face.
So much for feeling sorry for Dakota Meyer these days, clearly he has been assimilated by the Palin pod people.
The protected class... such is what it appears to be the case for the top tier politician. (Well at least it's clear he writes his own posts.)
The long and intensive investigation into the mishandling of what the CIA called top secret email correspondence by Hillary Clinton has been going on by the FBI / Justice Department. Even with over 30,000 email leaked to the public and substantial evidence out for the world to see the FBI has issued the statement today that Hillary Clinton has been cleared of any suspicion of unlawful conduct.
This announcement comes on the heels of the release of the report from the now 8th committee formed to investigate the series of events leading up to the attack on U.S. compounds in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 that needlessly claimed the lives of 4 Americans Hillary Clinton and the entire Obama Administration were formally cleared again of any wrong doing. That being said the commission held a 1 hour press conference stating fact after fact after fact proving gross negligence on the part of the Administration putting their own political agenda, including hiding specifics of Hillary’s private war to oust Gaddafi from power in Libya and setting things is (sic) to play for the upcoming presidential election 56 days later, before the lives of Americans. (So according to Meyer the eight investigations failed to find the criminality that he knows exists concerning Benghazi, even though they were conducted by some of the most partisan Republicans in the Congress. Well gee I guess that means they need to launch a ninth one, right Dakota?)
How has this administration gained so much power and influence that even the most obvious of crimes can be so easily excused and overlooked by their supporters? Have we come so far as a nation that politics and corruption are now truly one and the same? Is it still "We the people..."?
So apparently Bristol's baby daddy has never heard of the Bush administration who lied this country into the wars for which he received his medal of honor, or better yet the Reagan administration: "By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."
The idea that the Obama's virtually scandal free eight years is even remotely worse, or even comparable, to the last two Republican administrations is laughable on its face.
So much for feeling sorry for Dakota Meyer these days, clearly he has been assimilated by the Palin pod people.