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Thursday, 28 July 2016

Wikileaks releases those DNC voicemail messages that the Russians hacked for them. My response is either "Ho" or "Hum" I haven't decided.

Courtesy of CNN:

Wikileaks released a series of voicemails Wednesday from the Democratic National Committee hack showing donors plying top-level officials for favors, and one donor expressing outrage that Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders had won a say in the drafting of the party's platform. 

In one of the 29 voicemails released, a woman who donated $300 to Clinton called the party finance director Andrew Wright and said she was angry the party was acquiescing to Sanders by allowing liberal activist and prominent Sanders surrogate Cornel West to have one of 15 seats on the party's platform-writing panel. 

"I'm furious about what you are doing for Bernie Sanders, he's getting way too much influence. I'm on a fixed income, I spent over $300, donated to Hillary, what I see is the DNC bending over backwards for Bernie and Bernie is the worst person in the world to even be running in the Democratic Party, because he's not a Democrat," said the unidentified woman in a voicemail that was sent to Wright's DNC email account. 

In another voicemail, Bill Eacho, a longtime Democratic donor and former U.S. ambassador, inquired about the details of a "small dinner with President Obama."

Wait, what? So the "smoking gun" here is that Democrats were upset that the  DNC did not crush the Bernie Sanders campaign?

Hell I already knew that!

Here is more from The Hill: 

Many of the voicemails were messages of callers leaving their numbers in hopes of being called back or innocuous greetings. 

But multiple messages came from voters upset that the DNC was giving too much support to Sanders.

Okay if Julian Assange and Wikileaks is trying to damage the Clinton campaign, and the Democrat's hope of winning the 2016 election, this does not seem to be helping much.

Here was the headline over at Gawker:

BREAKING: Wikileaks Retweets Some Boring-Ass Voicemails 

Yeah, that about sums it up. 


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