Saturday, 2 July 2016
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And the list...just...keeps...on...growing. This never gets old. (via @maddow) — Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) March …
Stormy Daniels files lawsuit claiming that her NDA with Doanld Trump is null and void because he did not bother to sign it. Courtesy of NBC News: Adult film star Stormy Daniels sued Donald Trump on Tuesday, alleging…
So now an advisor to the United Arab Emirates is cooperating with the Special Counsel investigation? Sweet! Courtesy of the New York Times: An adviser to the United Arab Emirates with ties to current…
New Ted Cruz campaign ad mocks his opponent for changing his name. Only one problem. FIRST LISTEN: our new 60-second statewide radio ad introducing our liberal opponent, Congressman Ro…
So Kellyanne Conway kinda broke some laws. And Robert Mueller knows it. Courtesy of CNN: The US Office of Special Counsel announced Tuesday that White House aide Ke…
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