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Thursday, 21 July 2016

Ted Cruz gets booed off stage for not endorsing Donald Trump.

Did you see Trump enter the walk into the convention center there at the end, so that he could revel in Cruz's embarrassment?

In fact Trump tweeted that he knew what Cruz was up to right after the speech.
You know pundits always talk about Cruz's intelligence and political acumen but it is pretty clear he got played here.

Courtesy of The Daily Wire:  

According to the source, the entire Cruz speech was cleared by the Trump campaign. Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager, expressly approved the speech at 4:30 PM ET. The source, who was standing on the convention floor at the time of the speech, said that Trump operatives were present, urging the crowd to boo. “This was orchestrated by the Trump campaign to make Senator Cruz a pariah within the party,” said the source.

Tex Cruz disgusts me like no other human has for quite some time, so I cannot feel sorry for him, however it is unfortunate that the crowd turned on his wife as well.
Yeah, Cruz's political future looks a little iffy at the moment.

Even if Trump loses (And he will!) he is going to make damn sure that Cruz swims with the fishes politically.


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