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Sunday, 17 July 2016

Stephen Colbert takes over the GOP convention stage.

Pretty sure that "security guard" is one of his people.

Looks like it is going to be a very entertaining week inside the convention center, and a possible blood bath outside on the streets:

Crowds of protesters were expected to pack the streets of downtown Cleveland on Sunday just as Republicans were arriving for Monday’s kickoff of the Republican National Convention. 

The groups expected to descend on the city were focused on a range of agendas. A coalition of activists planned to hold a “Shut Down Trump and the R.N.C.” march to oppose the nomination of Donald J. Trump. The group wants to march through downtown to City Hall and the area outside the Quicken Loans Arena, where delegates will meet to vote on the party’s nominee. But pro-Trump rallies are also planned.

And even the Ohio Governor has very little he can do to protect his citizens from armed protesters:

Ohio Gov. John Kasich (KAY’-sihk) says he doesn’t have authority to suspend the state’s law allowing people to openly carry guns. 

Kasich responded Sunday to a request by the Cleveland police union president for the suspension of the law during the Republican National Convention, which begins Monday. 

The request by union president Steve Loomis followed Sunday morning’s fatal shooting of three police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Personally you could not pay me enough to go to Cleveland right now.

I certainly hope that Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart have security, because I don't think it is an exaggeration to say that all lives are in danger in that environment.


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