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Thursday, 21 July 2016

Sarah Palin smells blood in the water, goes after the politically hemorrhaging Ted Cruz.

This is a big day for Palin, she actually gets to make her nasty remarks someplace besides Facebook.

I mean sure it's just that defunct site Breitbart, but hey baby steps.

Courtesy of the aforementioned defunct site: 

Turns out Ted Cruz’s partner, Carly Fiorina, had a more graceful exit from the political stage than he had. 

Cruz’s broken pledge to support the will of the people tonight was one of those career-ending “read my lips” moments. I guarantee American voters took notice and felt more unsettling confirmation as to why we don’t much like typical politicians because they campaign one way, but act out another way. That kind of political status quo has got to go because it got us into the mess we’re in with America’s bankrupt budgets and ramped up security threats. 

It’s commonplace for politicians to disbelieve their word is their bond, as evidenced by Cruz breaking his promise to endorse his party’s nominee, evidently thinking whilst (Whilst?) on the convention stage, “At this point, what difference does it make?” We’ve been burned so horribly by that attitude that voters won’t reward politicians pulling that “what difference does it make” stunt again. Politicians will see — it makes all the difference in the world to us.

So Sarah Palin is criticizing Ted Cruz for not keeping his word?

Seriously does Wasilla not have at least one dictionary which can define "hypocrisy" for these people?

Palin also included this rather nasty video which mocks not only Ted Cruz, but also his former premature running mate Carly Fiorina.

As for Cruz, well dammit he is mad as hell and he is not going to take it anymore.

Courtesy of HuffPo:

“[I’m not going to] come like a servile puppy dog and say, ‘thank you very much for maligning my wife and maligning my father.’”

I don't usually condone violence, but Republican on Republican violence?

I could watch that. 


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