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Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Phil Robertson has proof that Jesus existed. It's called the calendar, duh.

Duck Dynasty Dude Hilariously Proves Beyond a... by DailyPolitics
Courtesy of Raw Story: 

Duck Dynasty dad Phil Robertson had some of his trademark Christian wisdom at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver, Colorado this weekend to help enlighten people how he knows Jesus is really the son of God. 

“If your calendar is dated of all the human beings who have ever walked on the Earth, and your calendar is dedicated and predicated to just one of ’em, evidently something rather large went down,” Robertson explained.

Well there you have it then.

Of course for some reason Robertson failed to mention that the Gregorian calendar was created by Christians who were sort of predisposed to believe Jesus existed, without regard to any evidence proving it one way or the other.

Robertson also fails to address the fact that if one were to use the calendar to prove the existence of a god or son of god, that it could then also be used to prove the existence of the Roman gods Saturn (Saturday) and  Mars (March), and the Norse god Thor (Thursday).

By the way according to the Chinese calendar today is Yi-Wei (Sheep) (6th month), 3, 4714, or the Year of the Monkey.

Damn this Robertson guy is a simple fuck .


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