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Friday, 1 July 2016

Donald Trump sees plane, predicts invasion from Mexico. And that is not even the craziest new thing we are leaning about the presumptive GOP presidential candidate.

Sure I think it's safe to assume that Trump was joking, but WHY would he make such an inflammatory joke in front of an audience if paint chip eaters who are more than ready to overreact to every conspiracy theory that tumbles out of his tangerine colored maw?

Or did I just answer my own question?

In other Trump news of the weird it appears that the Donald likes to listen to the private phone conversations of his employees.

Courtesy of Buzzfeed: 

At Mar-a-Lago, the Palm Beach resort he runs as a club for paying guests and celebrities, Donald Trump had a telephone console installed in his bedroom that acted like a switchboard, connecting to every phone extension on the estate, according to six former workers. Several of them said he used that console to eavesdrop on calls involving staff.

Oh yeah, this is one of those times that you hear a rumor about somebody and just KNOW that it's true.

I have absolutely NO problem accepting that Trump spied on his employees and listened to their phone calls.

Speaking of stories that one should take seriously, the same applies to those rape charges recently filed against Trump: 

No outsider can say whether Mr. Trump is innocent or guilty of these new rape charges. But we can look at his record, analyze the court filings here, and make a determination as to credibility - whether the allegations are believable enough for us to take them seriously and investigate them, keeping in mind his denial and reporting new facts as they develop. 

I have done that. And the answer is a clear “yes.” These allegations are credible. They ought not be ignored. Mainstream media, I’m looking at you.

Gee, I can hardly wait until the next time that Trump decides to accuse Bill Clinton of assaulting women.

In other news, which is not quite as stomach churning, but just barely, it appears that we now know who Trump is vetting for his VP slot: 

Donald Trump’s campaign has begun formally vetting possible running mates, with former House speaker Newt Gingrich emerging as the leading candidate, followed by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. But there are more than a half dozen others being discussed as possibilities, according to several people with knowledge of the process. 

Given Trump’s unpredictability, campaign associates caution that the presumptive Republican nominee could still shake up his shortlist. But with little more than two weeks before the start of the Republican National Convention, Gingrich and Christie have been asked to submit documents and are being cast as favorites for the post inside the campaign. Gingrich in particular is the beneficiary of a drumbeat of support from Trump confidants such as Ben Carson.

There are other names being bandied about as well including Joni Ernst, Jeff Sessions, Bob Corker, Mary Fallin, John Thune, and Tom Cotton.

Sarah Palin's name does not seem to be on the list, however since this vetting is being conducted by Arthur B. Culvahouse, the same genius who cleared her as McCain's VP choice in 2008, I guess anything is possible.

At this point it really does not make any difference who Trump chooses to take the trip to the bottom of the icy deaths along with his campaign, as his chances of winning are getting slimmer and slimmer with each passing day.


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