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Friday, 29 July 2016

Conservatives freak out when they learn that even though Bradley Cooper played one of their heroes in a movie, in real life #I'mWithHer.

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Newsflash, America: Bradley Cooper is not Chris Kyle. He just plays him on television in a movie. 

The "American Sniper" actor came under fire Wednesday when he was spotted in the audience at the 2016 Democratic National Convention with his girlfriend, Russian model Irina Shayk. Cooper was a trending topic on Twitter as social media users were apparently surprised to discover he's not really a Republican after playing Kyle, a conservative hero, in Clint Eastwood's movie about the late Navy SEAL sniper.

I love this one.
And this one.
I guess that is what happens when you watch too much Fox News and can no longer separate reality from fantasy.

Come to think of it much of what we think we know about Chris Kyle is actually bullshit.


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