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Saturday, 16 July 2016

Bill Maher interviews GOP pollster and "public relations guru" Frank Luntz on last night's Real Time. You might as well start grinding your teeth now.

I usually like to share the New Rules segment with all of you the day after Real Time is on, but last night I found myself fixated on his interview, which came right after the monologue, and thinking about it for the remainder of the show.

Now let me just warn you that this is rage inducing if you are even remotely liberal.

However it is also quite informative as it relates to what is happening within the Republican party regarding the damage control they are utilizing in the wake of Trump's nomination.

Notice that essentially right out of the box Luntz starts pandering to the Sanders supporters and pretending to commiserate with them over the fact that the "better" candidate did not win the nomination.

He then suggests that Sanders should have run as a third party candidate knowing full well that would have helped his Republican party candidate in the general election.

He then dramatically exaggerates the FBI's e-mail server investigation and virtually accuses FBI Director Comey of letting Hillary off because that's what the President wanted him to do.

When Bill sticks a pin in his arguments, Luntz changes the narrative and starts throwing out one straw man argument after the other, essentially trying to bury Maher in mounds of bullshit Republican talking points.

My favorite part (And by that I mean the part that I found the most irritating.) is when he attempts to paint Maher as an elitist and actually tries to smear him in the eyes of his own camera crew and employees on the show.

Luntz is a poorly bewigged, corpulent, toad-like POS (Think of Dakota Meyer in about fifteen years.) but he is very good at what he does, and watching him do it should serve as an abject lesson for those of us calling out the Republicans are their bullshit.

Because I can tell you right now that this is the guy who gives master classes in the dissemination of that bullshit.


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