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Monday, 6 June 2016

MSNBC's Kasie Hunt suggests that the Bernie Sanders' campaign may not last until the convention.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

Reporting from Los Angeles, Hunt revealed that campaign insiders were “more solemn than you would expect” ahead of the final primary contests in six states when Hillary Clinton could earn enough delegates to become the Democratic nominee. 

“She is expected to become the presumptive Democratic nominee on Tuesday with all of those states that are voting,” Hunt explained. “The question of course [is] what is Bernie Sanders going to do?” 

“He had some aggressive comments over the weekend suggesting he’s going to stay in this,” she observed. “But I will say, I’m picking up from some sources — I covered the Sanders campaign for quite some time — that the mood in the campaign is a little bit more solemn than you might expect, even for the candidate himself and his family.”

While Kasie Hunt is only suggesting that the Sanders campaign is preparing to call it quits, other journalists are simply stating it as fact.
Hmm interesting.

Of course if Bernie Sanders is NOT ready to call it a day, the calls for Sanders to pack it up and go home are only going to ramp up after Hillary wins the nomination tomorrow.

And that pressure will only increase exponentially after a new player takes the field.

Courtesy of the New York Times:

President Obama, after months of sitting on the sidelines of the rancorous contest to succeed him, is now ready to aggressively campaign for Hillary Clinton, starting with a formal endorsement of her candidacy as early as this week. 

The White House is in active conversations with Mrs. Clinton’s campaign about how and where the president would be useful to her, according to senior aides to Mr. Obama. 

Advisers say that the president, who sees a Democratic successor as critical to his legacy, is impatient to begin campaigning. They say he is taking nothing for granted. 

“I want us to run scared the whole time,” Mr. Obama told a group of donors on Friday night in Miami.

Once President Obama comes off the bench the Democratic party is going to coalesce behind him, and to be honest I just do not see any space left over for Bernie Sanders to occupy.

After tomorrow the Democratic party as one is going to turn as one to focus on the general election, and beating Donald Trump. And if Bernie Sanders does not step out of the way he is very likely going to get his ass run over.


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