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Friday, 17 June 2016

Mayor Dan drops out.

Courtesy of the Newsminer: 

Former Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan withdrew from the race for U.S. Senate today two weeks after he made a last-minute surprise entrance into the Republican primary against incumbent U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski. 

Announced in a statement posted to the Alaska Republican Party’s website, Sullivan said “conservative leaders” encouraged him to enter the race the day before the June 1 filing deadline, and he filed to “keep that option open as I vetted whether or not that would be the best path forward for my family and for Alaska.” 

In the statement, he said after consideration he wanted to keep his focus on local and state issues. 

"However, after evaluating that information and discussing options with friends and family, I have decided to withdraw from the August primary election,” he said. “I believe I can best serve Alaska by staying in Alaska and working on local and statewide issues.”

In other words he does not want to get his ass handed to him by Lisa Murkowski in the primaries, which is absolutely certain to happen.

It's kind of too bad actually, I would really like to watch that happen.

As for the best way he can serve Alaska, well that would be by getting the hell out of Alaska and taking his sleazy politics with him. 


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