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Wednesday, 25 May 2016

You know you have slipped down the rabbit hole when Bill O'Reilly is the voice of reason.

Courtesy of TPM: 

Calling the Instagram video “kind of tawdry stuff,” O’Reilly told Trump, “I'm not sure that this is a good thing…to do that” before trailing off. 

“Well, I’m only responding to what they do. She’s been very nasty, and I said I’d like it to be on policy, straight down the middle,” he said before trumpeting recent poll numbers. 

O’Reilly interrupted to say “every human being on earth” saw those poll numbers. 

“I understand what you are trying to do here is inhibit Mrs. Clinton from attacking you personally by saying, ‘if you play that game, then can I come back 10 times harder.’ I understand that,” the “O’Reilly Factor” host said. 

He continued: “But you know that it makes the country look bad abroad and things like that. That's what worries me. I understand the Clinton attack machine. I got it, and I think it has to be dealt with somewhat. But I think maybe caution.”

Man I hate to have to agree with Bill O'Reilly but of course he is right, this election season has certainly damaged our credulity around the world.

In fact many world leaders have expressed actual fear at the thought of a Trump presidency. And these are not our enemies, these are our allies.

Of course why Trump thinks these attacks against Hillary, the so called "Enabler," and Bill, the so called "Predator," will work in 2016 is because while all of us who lived through the Monica Lewinsky drama and impeachment debacle of the 90's, have moved on and think it no longer matters, there are a whole group of Millennial women who have not heard these stories before.

Trump is counting on the fact that he can fan the flames of outrage, which seem to always be right under the surface with the young folks today, and get them to reject Hillary out of hand, despite the fact that she would be infinitely more empathetic to their needs as women and far more likely to support legislation that protects them and their rights.

Will it work?

Well I would think not.

But to be honest I am not entirely sure.

After all look how easy it was for the Sanders' campaign to convince their followers that Hillary was a Republican-lite.


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