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Thursday, 26 May 2016

White nationalists are so excited about Donald Trump they are in danger of staining their nice white bed sheets.

Courtesy of TPM: 

Presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump has been accused of dog-whistling to white nationalists ever since he kicked off his campaign in the summer of 2015 and warned against “criminal” Mexican immigrants. His retweets of Twitter users with handles like "@WhiteGenocideTM" and his tepid disavowals of David Duke's support have not gone unnoticed in that fringe community, either. 

Tucked away in the woods of middle Tennessee’s Montgomery Bell State Park, 300 “white advocates” gathered over the weekend at the fourteenth American Renaissance conference to reflect on just how much fuel Trump has added to their movement this election cycle. 

"I've never felt this sense of energy in our movement," the conference host, Jared Taylor, said in his opening remarks. "I've never been more optimistic."

Apparently the conference which brought together such like minded folks as advocates for a white ethno-state, Holocaust deniers, eugenicists and confederate sympathizers, saw an increase of about a hundred people compared to 2015, many of them first time attendees.

Gee I cannot really imagine what could possibly have inspired so many folks to come out of the woodwork and openly express their racism.

It's almost like there was a national figure who was suddenly making it cool to be racist again.

Don't worry it will come to me.


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