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Monday, 30 May 2016

Well it looks like "Palin Rules" is moving a little bit closer to reality.

Courtesy of TMZ: 

The production company for Palin's new show just moved to register "Palin Rules." 

Palin's making a clear distinction between her show and courtroom favorites like, "People's Court," "Judge Mathis," and "Divorce Court" ... she doesn't have a law degree or a judicial title, but she can still act like she does. 

The people appearing in Sarah's "courtroom of common sense" will agree in advance, her decision will be final ... no second bite of the apple ... all she wrote.

Well I think we can put to rest any more talk of Palin being seriously considered for Trump's VP choice or for a position on his cabinet. 

Kind of hard to do any of that while she is on TV being the hillbilly version of Judge Judy.

I cannot even imagine how much brain damage you would have to suffer in order to find something like this even mildly entertaining.

I think that perhaps the only things that Palin understand less than the law would be politics and parenting.


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