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If you say anything negative about Bernie Sanders on the internet, it won't be long until you're labeled a shill for Hillary Clinton.
On Thursday, The Daily Show took on this trend. When host Trevor Noah tried to raise some questions about Sanders's policies and chances in the Democratic primaries, he hit some roadblocks.
As Noah started, correspondent Desi Lydic appeared on the scene, crashing a pair of cymbals to create a distraction. "I think we all know you meant that there's nothing wrong with Bernie Sanders. We love him and all of his policies," she said. "Trevor, have you ever pissed off Bernie Sanders supporters? It's like poking a hornet's nest — a hornet's nest with student debt. Can't you just do something less controversial — like, I don't know, draw a picture of Mohammed on a pig?"
I have admitted recently that I am not exactly warming to Noah, but this segment really knocked it out of the park.
And part of what made it so good was that it's so true.
We see it here on IM almost every single day.
In fact I have been steadily losing visitors since I started to point out that Sanders' campaign is effectively over. And I'm not talking a hundred or so, I'm talking over a thousand.
Bernie Sanders supporters just don't want to hear it.
Even my own daughter and I can't talk about it yet, because she is still deeply in denial.
But here's the thing that really concerns me.
I'm sure you remember how I gleefully predicted that if Cruz and Kasich stayed in the race until the convention that it would give Democrats to show who is the grownups by having their act together while the GOP was dealing with an entrenched civil war.
Well now that shoe is on the other foot, since Trump is essentially the nominee and the GOP is already showing signs of unifying behind him, so that high ground will now go to the Republicans if the Democrats do not resolve their internal strife and come together before July when OUR convention is scheduled to be held.
I know right now that the polls show the Democrats in the lead for the general, but if Hillary continues getting hit by both Sanders and Trump for the next two months that lead may get whittled down quite a few percentage points.
The voters want a strong leader and a party that seems like it can work together to get things done, right now that does not seem to me an image that the Democratic party is projecting.