Here is the entire Today show video from this morning.
Trump: Wow. You mean you are going so low as to talk about something that took place 25 years ago, about whether or not I made a phone call? I guess you’re saying under a presumed name.
Guthrie: Yes, under a presumed name.
Trump: Okay. The answer is no. Let’s get on to more current subjects. I know it’s wonderful for your listeners, but we have more important things to discuss.
I disagree. If a person running for President is so unhinged as to fake being an entirely different person so that he can brag about himself, without seeming arrogant (A pretense that he has completely dropped these days by the way.), I think THAT is something the voting public deserves to know.
And it appears that we actually do know that is was him.
Courtesy of the Washington Post:
A recording obtained by The Washington Post captures what New York reporters and editors who covered Trump’s early career experienced in the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s: calls from Trump’s Manhattan office that resulted in conversations with “John Miller” or “John Barron” — public-relations men who sound precisely like Trump himself — who indeed are Trump, masquerading as an unusually helpful and boastful advocate for himself, according to the journalists and several of Trump’s top aides.
So apparently in the minds of the journalists who covered him and his own top aides, there was no question that this was indeed Trump.
And that could prove problematic. Just get a load of some of the things this "spokesman" said abouthimself Trump:
“Actresses,” Miller said in the call to Carswell, “just call to see if they can go out with him and things.” Madonna “wanted to go out with him.” And Trump’s alter ego boasted that in addition to living with Maples, Trump had “three other girlfriends.”
Yeah that should really help Trump with the female voters.
The other Trump alias, this John Barron, is also a name that pops up quite frequently in Trump's life:
A “John Baron,” described as a “vice-president of the Trump organization,” appeared in a front-page New York Times article as early as 1980, defending Trump’s decision to destroy sculptures on the facade of the Bonwit Teller department store building, the Fifth Avenue landmark he was demolishing to make way for his Trump Tower. Barron was quoted variously as a “Trump spokesman,” “Trump executive,” or “Trump representative” in New York magazine, The Washington Post and other publications.
Trump’s fascination with the name “Barron” persisted for decades. When he was seeing Maples while still married to Ivana, he sometimes used the code name “the Baron” when he left messages for her. In 2004, when Trump commissioned a dramatic TV series based on the life of a New York real estate mogul like him, his only request to the writer was to name the main character “Barron.” And when Trump and his third wife, Melania, had a son, they named him Barron.
You know just when I think I have seen the oddest think imaginable in this election cycle, I get proven wrong.
I literally have NO idea what comes nest, but I am certain it will not be boring.
Trump: Wow. You mean you are going so low as to talk about something that took place 25 years ago, about whether or not I made a phone call? I guess you’re saying under a presumed name.
Guthrie: Yes, under a presumed name.
Trump: Okay. The answer is no. Let’s get on to more current subjects. I know it’s wonderful for your listeners, but we have more important things to discuss.
I disagree. If a person running for President is so unhinged as to fake being an entirely different person so that he can brag about himself, without seeming arrogant (A pretense that he has completely dropped these days by the way.), I think THAT is something the voting public deserves to know.
And it appears that we actually do know that is was him.
Courtesy of the Washington Post:
A recording obtained by The Washington Post captures what New York reporters and editors who covered Trump’s early career experienced in the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s: calls from Trump’s Manhattan office that resulted in conversations with “John Miller” or “John Barron” — public-relations men who sound precisely like Trump himself — who indeed are Trump, masquerading as an unusually helpful and boastful advocate for himself, according to the journalists and several of Trump’s top aides.
So apparently in the minds of the journalists who covered him and his own top aides, there was no question that this was indeed Trump.
And that could prove problematic. Just get a load of some of the things this "spokesman" said about
“Actresses,” Miller said in the call to Carswell, “just call to see if they can go out with him and things.” Madonna “wanted to go out with him.” And Trump’s alter ego boasted that in addition to living with Maples, Trump had “three other girlfriends.”
Yeah that should really help Trump with the female voters.
The other Trump alias, this John Barron, is also a name that pops up quite frequently in Trump's life:
A “John Baron,” described as a “vice-president of the Trump organization,” appeared in a front-page New York Times article as early as 1980, defending Trump’s decision to destroy sculptures on the facade of the Bonwit Teller department store building, the Fifth Avenue landmark he was demolishing to make way for his Trump Tower. Barron was quoted variously as a “Trump spokesman,” “Trump executive,” or “Trump representative” in New York magazine, The Washington Post and other publications.
Trump’s fascination with the name “Barron” persisted for decades. When he was seeing Maples while still married to Ivana, he sometimes used the code name “the Baron” when he left messages for her. In 2004, when Trump commissioned a dramatic TV series based on the life of a New York real estate mogul like him, his only request to the writer was to name the main character “Barron.” And when Trump and his third wife, Melania, had a son, they named him Barron.
You know just when I think I have seen the oddest think imaginable in this election cycle, I get proven wrong.
I literally have NO idea what comes nest, but I am certain it will not be boring.