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Sunday, 8 May 2016

More than 2,000 American doctors are now calling for a single payer health care system.

Courtesy of the Guardian:

A group of more than 2,000 physicians is calling for the establishment of a universal government-run health system in the US, in a paper in the American Journal of Public Health. 

According to the proposal released Thursday, the Affordable Care Act did not go far enough in removing barriers to healthcare access. The physicians’ bold plan calls for implementing a single-payer system similar to Canada’s, called the National Health Program, that would guarantee all residents healthcare. 

The new single-payer system would be funded mostly by existing US government funding. The physicians point out that the US government already pays for two-thirds of all healthcare spending in the US, and a single-payer system would cut down on administrative costs, so a transition to a single-payer system would not require significant additional spending. 

“Our patients can’t afford care and don’t have access to the care they need, while the system is ever more wasteful, throwing away money on bureaucratic expenses and absurd prices from the drug companies,” said David Himmelstein, a professor in the CUNY School of Public Health at Hunter College and lecturer on medicine at Harvard Medical School.

I have always felt, no not felt KNOWN, that the ACA was only a stepping stone toward an eventual single payer health care system in this country. 

And what's more the Republicans recognize that as well, which is why they are always talking about ripping it up and starting from scratch. And it is also why back in 2012 the insurance companies spent over 100 million dollars fighting against it privately while publicly seeming to support it.

This is also why it is so very important to get Hillary Clinton elected President.

She knows EXACTLY what President Obama's long term plan was for health care in this country, and she knows how to continue moving it forward. Don't forget this was what she wanted to do way back in 1993.

It is also why Bernie Sanders needs to shut the fuck up about it.

He comes stumbling in from the outside shouting about universal health care, without realizing that by promising to start from scratch he is threatening to undo all of the progress made toward that goal already.

Remember President Obama is playing three dimensional chess while the Republicans are playing checkers.

Apparently Bernie Sanders is playing Connect Four.


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