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Monday, 23 May 2016

John Oliver reveals the deeply flawed primary system in America and then takes a moment to explain to Bernie Sanders supporters that their candidate has essentially lost.

My favorite line is when he says of Bernie supporters "I can hear you typing right now, that I look like an angry toucan funded by Shillary."

And lo and behold in the comments section I find this: fuck you john you look like an angry toucan and are probably funded by $hillary 

As well as this: The irony of John talking about Hillary having more votes so Bernie supports shouldn't be mad... Well yeah, because all of the media is extremely pro-Hillary, including this show.

This: See how Oliver never criticizes Clinton? His bosses at Time Warners wont let him.

And of course this: Its truly sad Bernie supporters get boiled down to such a stereotype.

Yes, that certainly is a shame. 


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