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Saturday, 7 May 2016

Bernie Sanders sends letter to the DNC complaining that the nomination process is rigged, still leaves door open for VP slot.

Courtesy of TPM: 

In a Friday letter, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) accused Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz of stacking committees at the July national convention with supporters of Hillary Clinton. 

Sanders lamented to Wasserman Schultz that the DNC only nominated three of the more than 40 people he recommended to sit on the standing committees, and the DNC did not appoint any Sanders picks to the key Rules Committee. 

"I believe the composition of the standing committees must reflect the relative support that has been received by both campaigns," Sanders wrote in the letter. "That was why I was so disappointed to learn that of the over forty people our campaign submitted at your request you chose to select only three of my recommendations for the three standing committees. Moreover, you did not assign even one of the people submitted by our campaign to the very important Rules Committee of the Democratic National Convention." 

Sanders wrote that the lack of representation for his supporters at the convention suggests that the Democratic Party "is not open to the millions of new people that our campaign has brought into the political process."

Oddly enough Sanders gave an interview, also on Friday, where he said the following:  

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said Friday he plans to keep fighting for the Democratic nomination all the way to the convention in Philadelphia, but did not slam the door shut on possibly joining Hillary Clinton's ticket. 

Asked by CNN's Wolf Blitzer if he would accept a hypothetical offer to be Clinton's running mate, Sanders said he would talk about it with her after the convention. 

"Right now, we are focused on the next five weeks of winning the Democratic nomination. If that does not happen, we are going to fight as hard as we can on the floor of the Democratic convention to make sure that we have a progressive platform that the American people will support," Sanders said on "The Situation Room." "Then, after that, certainly Secretary Clinton and I can talk and see where we go from there."

"Your system is totally corrupt and rigged against me, and I am going to fight to fundamentally change everything about your party, but hey if you want to give me that VP slot I'll let bygones be bygones."

I love it when people attempt to paint Bernie Sanders as "not your typical politician."

Of course he is, and trust me if Hillary were to chose him to be her VP he would shut his trap and fall right into line and do exactly what he was told.

I also find it rather humorous that Sanders is surprised that the DNC is more supportive of Hillary than they are of him.

The Democratic party has years and years invested in the Clintons, and vice a versa. In fact many of those in positions of power were very disappointed that she did not get the nomination back in 2008.

So of course they are behind her.

On the other hand Sanders uses the party to garner national attention, criticizes them at every opportunity, and then bitches that the the lifetime Democrat who has represented the party, in one capacity or another, for over thirty years is their favorite.

And there is NO WAY that Hillary would pick Bernie as her VP.

He brings nothing to the table that would help her in any way.

If Hillary wants to capture the Bernie Sanders supporters she would be better served appointing Elizabeth Warren, who they really wanted in the first place, and not the cantankerous non-Democrat who is six years her senior.

Though to be honest some of them will never be brought into the fold.
Not that she would want them anyway. 


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