Courtesy of Salon:
“Whether or not they [the military] could have gotten there in time – I don’t think there’s any issue with respect to that. They couldn’t,” Gowdy said. But, in an effort to justify his committee’s continued efforts, he argued that important context had been omitted from Chipman’s remarks. “The next question,” Gowdy explained, “is why could you [the military] not? Why were you not positioned to do it?” That’s the critical question, Gowdy insisted: why the military wasn’t prepared to respond to a Benghazi-like attack.
Well, guess what? That question has been asked and answered already.
Salon then goes on to explain that previous investigations had already determined that there was inadequate security, and the President himself admitted this in 2014 and said that changes needed to be made to better protect our diplomats in the future.
It has also already been determined that there was no wrongdoing on the part of the Obama administration, military, or CIA concerning their response to the attacks in Benghazi.
By the way Secretary Clinton was part of the Obama administration at the time.
So if everybody has already been exonerated, and Gowdy himself admits that the military could not have arrived in time to save the day, what exactly is the point?
Well of course the point is the same one behind this ridiculous "Clinton Cash" movie, Donald Trump referring to her as "Crooked Hillary Clinton," and every other Right Wing attack on the internet.
It is to do damage to Hillary and hopefully prevent her from winning this next election.
And toward that end Donald Trump, the House Republicans, internet trolls, The Drudge Report, Fox News, and now the Bernie Sanders campaign are working as one.
Is it really any wonder that Hillary Clinton's favorability numbers are falling?
“Whether or not they [the military] could have gotten there in time – I don’t think there’s any issue with respect to that. They couldn’t,” Gowdy said. But, in an effort to justify his committee’s continued efforts, he argued that important context had been omitted from Chipman’s remarks. “The next question,” Gowdy explained, “is why could you [the military] not? Why were you not positioned to do it?” That’s the critical question, Gowdy insisted: why the military wasn’t prepared to respond to a Benghazi-like attack.
Well, guess what? That question has been asked and answered already.
Salon then goes on to explain that previous investigations had already determined that there was inadequate security, and the President himself admitted this in 2014 and said that changes needed to be made to better protect our diplomats in the future.
It has also already been determined that there was no wrongdoing on the part of the Obama administration, military, or CIA concerning their response to the attacks in Benghazi.
By the way Secretary Clinton was part of the Obama administration at the time.
So if everybody has already been exonerated, and Gowdy himself admits that the military could not have arrived in time to save the day, what exactly is the point?
Well of course the point is the same one behind this ridiculous "Clinton Cash" movie, Donald Trump referring to her as "Crooked Hillary Clinton," and every other Right Wing attack on the internet.
It is to do damage to Hillary and hopefully prevent her from winning this next election.
And toward that end Donald Trump, the House Republicans, internet trolls, The Drudge Report, Fox News, and now the Bernie Sanders campaign are working as one.
Is it really any wonder that Hillary Clinton's favorability numbers are falling?