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Thursday, 28 April 2016

Well it appears that Bristol Palin gave in to all of Dakota Meyer's demands and they have finally reached a child custody agreement.

Courtesy of Radar Online: 

It’s over! Bristol Palin has ended her messy custody battle with Dakota Meyer, has learned — at least, for now. 

The duo filed court documents in Alaska on April 20, alerting the judge that they had “reached a custody and parenting agreement in mediation” regarding daughter Sailor, born in December 2015.

Details of the agreement were not made public, as they agreed “not to disclose those terms publicly” and to file them as “confidential documents.” 

“The parties agree that it is not in the best interests of their daughter for the terms of their agreement to be publicly disclosed,” the documents state.

Ah yes the confidentiality agreement. That is how the Palins continue to control the narrative.

Sarah Palin and her family have made co-authors, co-stars, co-workers, and now even co-parents sign them ever since Sarah Palin left the governorship.

After all truth is essentially Palin Kryptonite.

However I know that Dakota used the threat of publicity as a tool to force Bristol to sign a child custody agreement to his liking. I assume that agreeing to the December birthday was simply his olive branch to her.

Of course now that he has signed on the dotted line I imagine that we will not be hearing much from Dakota, but if this poor son-of-a-bitch thinks this is over, then he is in for a VERY unpleasant surprise.

So that is two child custody agreements, and two confidentiality agreements, with two baby daddies this year.

Quite a year wouldn't you say?

And look it's not even over yet.


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