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Monday, 4 April 2016

Video shows white commissioner pulling gun on black former commissioner during argument in Arkansas.

Courtesy of the Arkansas Times:

Here's video of a confrontation at a Jefferson County Election Commission meeting last week at which Republican Commissioner Stu Soffer pulled a derringer from his pocket because he felt threatened by former Democratic commissioner Ted Davis. 

The video was provided by Lawrence Walker, attorney for Davis, who has said he's considering legal action. Soffer has said he didn't point the gun at anyone, but retrieved it from his car to have when matters grew contentious and pulled it from his pocket when Davis approached him. The Republican-controlled commission had moments before adjourned the meeting while a Democrat was speaking. 

Soffer is shown showing police his concealed carry permit and saying he never pointed the gun at anyone.

he may have not pointed the gun but you can hear him on the video telling the police officer (2:44 mark) that he held the gun at his side and the next step would have been either "pulling off" or "going off," which both sound like he would have fired the weapon.

To be clear he took out a gun during a non-violent discussion with other professionals at a public venue, and did so because, as he said, "He felt threatened."

You know if everybody who ever simply felt threatened whipped out a firearm in a fearful response we would be dragging dead bodies off of the streets of America, and loading them into body bags, every damn day.

What am I saying. We already do.


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