Courtesy of Know Nothing of the North's Facebook page:
Heads Up, America!
On “Earth Day" instead of progressing toward true conservationism and responsibly using the earth's natural resources to secure our nation, Barack Obama is throwing America's opportunities to the back of the bus. Unbeknownst to most of his constituency, Obama will be signing us on to the nonsensical and dangerous United Nations Paris Agreement on Climate Change. It's great news for China, India and everyone with low- to non-existent environmental standards eagerly producing the things we used to produce; it's sucky news for Americans trying to energize our homes, businesses and communities.
To learn more, see the movie “Climate Hustle” in theaters nationwide May 2nd for a one-night event. I was honored to participate in the exclusive panel discussion to be shown following the film.
We MUST be aware of Big Government cheerleaders' mission to stymie U.S. development and job opportunities by using bogus weather arguments that substitute real science for political b.s., all in the name of "fundamentally transforming America."
Okay at this point I think it is safe to assume that Palin has some kind of financial stake in the success of this film. At this time she has mentioned the movie not once, not twice, but SEVEN different times on her Facebook page.
I am not sure she has even denied faking her last pregnancy that many times.
So yes in Palin's world President Obama is the bad guy for working to convince other people to help save the planet. That son-of-a-bitch!
This is usually where I would point out how ridiculous it is for any Alaskan to deny the climate change that we cannot help but notice happening all around us, but let's face it Sarah Palin occupies an alternative reality where even personal experience cannot shake her desire to receive a payday for pimping anti-science horse shit to the masses.
Heads Up, America!
On “Earth Day" instead of progressing toward true conservationism and responsibly using the earth's natural resources to secure our nation, Barack Obama is throwing America's opportunities to the back of the bus. Unbeknownst to most of his constituency, Obama will be signing us on to the nonsensical and dangerous United Nations Paris Agreement on Climate Change. It's great news for China, India and everyone with low- to non-existent environmental standards eagerly producing the things we used to produce; it's sucky news for Americans trying to energize our homes, businesses and communities.
To learn more, see the movie “Climate Hustle” in theaters nationwide May 2nd for a one-night event. I was honored to participate in the exclusive panel discussion to be shown following the film.
We MUST be aware of Big Government cheerleaders' mission to stymie U.S. development and job opportunities by using bogus weather arguments that substitute real science for political b.s., all in the name of "fundamentally transforming America."
Okay at this point I think it is safe to assume that Palin has some kind of financial stake in the success of this film. At this time she has mentioned the movie not once, not twice, but SEVEN different times on her Facebook page.
I am not sure she has even denied faking her last pregnancy that many times.
So yes in Palin's world President Obama is the bad guy for working to convince other people to help save the planet. That son-of-a-bitch!
This is usually where I would point out how ridiculous it is for any Alaskan to deny the climate change that we cannot help but notice happening all around us, but let's face it Sarah Palin occupies an alternative reality where even personal experience cannot shake her desire to receive a payday for pimping anti-science horse shit to the masses.