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Saturday, 16 April 2016

Sarah Palin throws a Facebook tantrum over misreporting by the media. But was it misreporting?

Courtesy of the Mat-Su Megala-dummy's Facebook page:  

Wow. Media Really Sux (You would think a "Journalism Major" would know how to spell this word.)

Twice in one day the lamestream media needs me to spank them ... makes you wonder - is the media 

a) bored, 
b) totally incompetent, 
 c) allergic to facts, 
d) just digging their attempts to get away with zero accountability, 
e) all of the above and then some. 

No, despite reports, I didn't "drop out" of anything in Wyoming's GOP Primary today. I wasn't scheduled to be there, which can be verified by the Trump Campaign and our email exchanges from EIGHT DAYS AGO where it was agreed a trip to Wyoming wouldn't fit in with my prior obligations to work in DC and Nevada this weekend. 

Too bad reporters don't bother to seek facts before spewing their bull. (Here's to you even, Fox News.) I've never had a PR team to correct the record for me, so within reason I try to keep up with constant misreporting... but it's impossible to do when I "have a life" and don't waste precious time perusing press clippings. So please, just continue to doubt anything and everything the media reports. They've created dangerous times for this nation when they're impossible to trust. 

Today's media deserves the historically low scores it receives from Americans; it is a shame, but we can never consider them trustworthy.

Well somebody's crusty panties are certainly in a twist.

But here's the thing the reports of her dropping out were not the invention of the "bored, totally incompetent, allergic to facts" media. They directly came from the Wyoming Republican party:

According to a release on the Republican Party of Wyoming’s website, the Trump campaign said she would not be attending. It provided no explanation for the last-minute cancellation. 

“The Donald Trump campaign has informed the Wyoming Republican Party that Sarah Palin, the scheduled surrogate speaker for the presidential candidate, will not be attending the State GOP Convention,” the release says. “Former Governor Palin was scheduled to speak to the convention delegates Saturday morning between 10-11am along with presidential candidate Ted Cruz and John Kasich surrogate Governor Butch Otter of Idaho.” 

“The Trump campaign has not indicated whether another one of Trump’s surrogates will be in Casper this Saturday morning,” it continues. 

Okay so if this was reported on the GOP website in Wyoming how does that make it the fault of the media for reporting about it?

It would seem to me that either the Republican party in Wyoming is bored, the Trump campaign is incompetent, or Sarah Palin herself is allergic to facts.

By the way this news broke two days ago, what took her so long to respond if in fact it was false?


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