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Monday, 25 April 2016

On Meet the Press Chuck Todd wonders out loud if he just conducted the Bernie Sanders exit interview.

Wait, poor people don't vote? And why does Sanders automatically assume that if there were more poor people voting that they would vote for him?

But it was that last bit that really interests me.

Here it is courtesy of the Meet the Press transcript:

CHUCK TODD: Let me wrap up the question this way. Do you feel as if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee and you're not, but Donald Trump is the opponent, do you have a responsibility to do what it takes to get your voters to support Hillary Clinton? 

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS: I will do everything that I can to make certain that Donald Trump is not elected president. But if that scenario plays out, the major responsibility will be on Secretary Clinton to convince all people, not just my supporters, that she is the kind of president this country needs to represent working people in this country, to take on the big money interests who have so much power, to fight for what the American people want. 

CHUCK TODD: Your supporters are, for the most part, very skeptical of Hillary Clinton. Very, very skeptical. Tougher on her, frankly, than you ever are. You know, people talk about all this back and forth. What do you think she-- what's your advice to her on winning your voters over? 

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS: Well, I think she's going to have to be very explicit about supporting a program, which stands up for the needs of the middle class and working families, which, most importantly, makes it clear that she is prepared to take on Wall Street in a very clear way, take on the billionaire class, come up with a program that makes health care for all in this country a right within the next several years. I think those are some of the issues she's going to have to bring forth. 


CHUCK TODD: So did we just hear, intentionally or not, the Bernie Sanders exit interview? We'll get to that later in the show.

I do not like the fact that Sanders lays out a laundry list of items that he suggests that Hillary MUST do in order to win over his supporters. I would think that for real progressives simply stopping Donald Trump would be more than enough.

I am also not convinced that this will be Sanders' last interview on MTP or that he is preparing to close up shop anytime soon.

Personally I think he should but obviously the Sanders' campaign is not soliciting my advice.

(H/T to Raw Story.)


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