Courtesy of the Washington Post:
Is Trey Gowdy planning a July surprise?
The chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi went to ground after he and his colleagues grilled Hillary Clinton in October. They haven’t had a single hearing since then (and had only three public hearings before that one), though they occasionally send news releases reminding the world that their 700-day-old investigation continues.
But that is about to change. Gowdy, after blowing through several previous deadlines he set, has said to expect a final report “before summer,” and Republicans say they are drafting it now. In another indication that the rollout is approaching, Gowdy last month stopped giving Democrats transcripts of witness interviews. This move, ostensibly to prevent leaks, diminishes the minority’s ability respond to allegations contained in the majority report.
Depending on how long the declassification review takes, the Benghazi report is on track to drop by mid-July, just before Congress recesses for the conventions and at a time when Republicans will be in need of a distraction from the Trump-Cruz standoff. If the review takes longer (they typically last from a few weeks to a several months), it could come out in September, in the campaign’s homestretch.
Of course this all but confirms what critics have long said about his "investigation" all along.
It is nothing but a witch hunt designed specifically to damage Hillary Clinton's chances of winning the presidency.
Do you know why there are no taxpayer resources wasted on investigating Bernie Sanders? Or for that matter any real money spent on anti-Sanders campaign ads? Because he is the GOP's wet dream for a Democratic candidate, and literally the only hope they have of winning this election.
Hillary Clinton flat terrifies the Republican party, and their donors, and that might be the best political endorsement that she could possibly hope to receive.
Is Trey Gowdy planning a July surprise?
The chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi went to ground after he and his colleagues grilled Hillary Clinton in October. They haven’t had a single hearing since then (and had only three public hearings before that one), though they occasionally send news releases reminding the world that their 700-day-old investigation continues.
But that is about to change. Gowdy, after blowing through several previous deadlines he set, has said to expect a final report “before summer,” and Republicans say they are drafting it now. In another indication that the rollout is approaching, Gowdy last month stopped giving Democrats transcripts of witness interviews. This move, ostensibly to prevent leaks, diminishes the minority’s ability respond to allegations contained in the majority report.
Depending on how long the declassification review takes, the Benghazi report is on track to drop by mid-July, just before Congress recesses for the conventions and at a time when Republicans will be in need of a distraction from the Trump-Cruz standoff. If the review takes longer (they typically last from a few weeks to a several months), it could come out in September, in the campaign’s homestretch.
Of course this all but confirms what critics have long said about his "investigation" all along.
It is nothing but a witch hunt designed specifically to damage Hillary Clinton's chances of winning the presidency.
Do you know why there are no taxpayer resources wasted on investigating Bernie Sanders? Or for that matter any real money spent on anti-Sanders campaign ads? Because he is the GOP's wet dream for a Democratic candidate, and literally the only hope they have of winning this election.
Hillary Clinton flat terrifies the Republican party, and their donors, and that might be the best political endorsement that she could possibly hope to receive.