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Sunday, 17 April 2016

Just like her mother Bristol Palin uses children to manipulate and control others, and shield herself from criticism.

Courtesy of Brancy's blog: 

Most people know I’m Pro Life. If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t have gone through the pregnancy I faced when I was 17. The issue is clearly near my heart. 

When I went in for my first appointment and heard my son’s heartbeat, it changed my world forever! And I had a harsh dose of reality when the doctor turned off the ultrasound machine and asked me a question. He asked what I wanted to do about the “situation,” insinuating abortion. It makes me sick thinking about it, to tell you the truth. 

I had just heard my baby’s heartbeat for the first time. 

How is that not life? 

God knew exactly what he was doing when I got pregnant with Tripp, and I’d go through my toughest days a million times over to end up where we are now. My kids are my world and I never questioned that their life had, and HAS, so much purpose. 

Abortion may seem like such an easy option – today’s society makes it sound so great – so easy – so nonchalant. They make it seem like there will be no consequences. I promise you, there are. 

Have you ever heard anyone say “I regret having this baby??” I haven’t. Every child deserves life.

The post goes on to pimp some ridiculous "pro-life" campaign, but who really cares about that?

The real story here is that Bristol/Nancy French is using Tripp to shill for some organization from whom, much like that diet drink company, I am sure she is receiving some type of compensation for supporting.

The fact of the matter is that God did get Bristol Palin pregnant with her son Tripp. Bristol Palin did.

In fact she did so, as outlined in Levi Johnston's book, by going off of her birth control and lying to him about it.

Later of course in order to shill for an abstinence program Bristol lied again, and claimed it was all an accident. But it wasn't.

And according to her Sailor Grace was planned as well.

It certainly does not seem from what we have heard that Dakota Meyer was in on the plan, but Bristol claims there was indeed a plan.

Not God's plan. Bristol Palin's plan.

Now Bristol would have you believe that these children are both gifts and challenges divinely imposed upon her by God, but in fact these are gifts and sources of income that she created with a lack of morals and the help of unwitting sperm donors who will now pay for their carelessness for a minimum of eighteen years.

And let's face it they are not only good bait for that sweet child support money, they are also a lucrative source of income for tabloid money, reality show money, and I am sure at some point, delicious endorsement dollars.

Bristol Palin does not give birth to little human beings, she gives birth to adorable little flesh covered ATM machines.

And there is nothing holy about that.


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