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Thursday, 28 April 2016

Jane Sanders refusing to release tax forms unless Hillary Clinton first releases speech transcripts.

Courtesy of CNN:  

Bernie and Jane Sanders won't release their back tax returns until Democratic rival Hillary Clinton releases the transcripts of her Wall Street speeches, Jane Sanders said Tuesday afternoon. 

Bernie Sanders has repeatedly called on the Clinton campaign to release her speeches in an effort to show she's aligned with powerful Wall Street interests. 

But he has been slow to answer Clinton's demand to release his tax returns, saying in a CNN debate earlier this month that his wife handles their financial affairs and has been too busy campaigning. The Sanders made public their 2014 return the next evening, showing they earned nearly $206,000 and paid about $28,000 in federal taxes that year. 

Asked Tuesday when the campaign plans to issue prior years' returns, Jane Sanders told CNN's Wolf Blitzer they will wait to see whether Clinton will disclose her transcripts.

Okay two things.

First the Sanders' campaign promised that they would release these tax returns to the media, so they lied.

And second ALL serious presidential candidates release their tax information, while NONE of them have ever been asked to provide transcripts for paid speeches.

This transcript thing seems like a new hurdle specifically invented for Hillary Clinton, and both the Sanders' campaign and Right Wing media outlets are mythologizing them like Donald Trump once mythologized President Obama's birth certificate.

In the opinion of Hillary's enemies once these transcripts are revealed to the public it will destroy her campaign. Just like they are convinced that the FBI is only seconds away from indicting her and the Benghazi committee is on the verge of revealing that she shot those four Americans herself.

On a similar note the Sander's campaign is now asking for an extension on Bernie's personal financial disclosure until after the California primaries.

Okay you know the one thing about Bernie that I have always defended is his integrity.

But there is something going on here that is fairly bothersome.

After all there is no doubt that after California we will all know for an absolute fact that Bernie Sanders is dead in the water, so essentially he is putting this off until a time when nobody will be asking to see it anymore.


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