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Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Hillary Clinton sat down for an interview with the New York Daily News just like the one that caused Bernie Sanders so much difficulty. Guess how it went.

Courtesy of the Washington Post: 

One word would describe Hillary Clinton’s Saturday sit-down with the New York Daily News editorial board: Boring! And that’s a good thing. 

The 80-minute wonkfest with the two-term former senator from the Empire State was notably different from the editorial board meeting with Sen. Bernie Sanders a week earlier. That gathering was gasp-worthy for the Vermont Independent’s seeming inability to talk beyond his stump speech. Clinton had the opposite issue. She could talk — and talk and talk — about anything in thoughtful paragraphs stuffed with details.

Jonathon Capehart then goes on to lay out some of the questions that Clinton effortlessly knocked out of the park, which you can read for yourself by clicking that link at the top.

At the end Capehart sums it all up thusly: 

Clinton talked about the broader economy, the U.S. relationship with Israel, mass incarceration and other issues during her Saturday visit at the Daily News. But I highlight her responses on the banks and college affordability to show that even on Sanders’s turf, Clinton has ideas, plans, something to say. When Sanders was asked about foreign policy, Clinton’s domain as a former secretary of state, he more than disappointed. “I don’t know the answer to that,” Sanders said when asked whether President Obama had “the right policy” in dealing with the Islamic State. 

Daily News columnist Linda Stasi wrote over the weekend that Clinton was “as totally well informed as you expect her to be.” That’s not nearly as exciting as listening to a presidential candidate walk through policy like one walks on thin ice. But at this stage in the nomination contest, I’ll take “totally well informed” and the boredom that goes with it than the worrisome alternative.

Boring, well informed, confident, I'll take those attributes as positives for our next President. 

You can read the New York Daily News article for yourself right here.


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