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Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Hillary Clinton releases new ad in preparation for today's primary.

Courtesy of CBS News: 

In her closing ad before Tuesday's East Coast primaries in five states, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton is looking past the primaries with a message of unity. 

Her new ad, "Love and Kindness," presents a positive message of coming together and protecting each other--a sign she is beginning to move toward unifying Democrats behind her candidacy for the general election. 

"Let's break down barriers so we can all rise together," the ad says, in text running across the screen over footage of Clinton speaking and meeting supporters. "Do all the good we can in all the ways we can for all the people we can."

You probably saw Gabby Giffords in the advertisement, and this is what she is saying about Hillary and why she supporters her on mailers going out in Connecticut:   

“Time and time again, Hillary Clinton has done and said what is right, not what is politically expedient,” Giffords says on the mailers. “She is the only candidate I trust to stand up to the corporate gun lobby’s intimidation and bullying.” 

 Of course Connecticut, where that terrible Sandy Hook massacre took place, is one of the states holding primaries today. So clearly this message is tailored to them specifically.

However I think that the message of improving gun control laws, and working to keep military style weapons out of the hands of dangerous individuals, is one that resonates with ALL progressives.

I have mentioned in the past that I am not particularly inspired by Hillary Clinton as a rule, but her  courage in putting gun control front and center in her campaign is something that certainly gets my attention.

President Obama has said that one of his biggest frustrations as President was his failure to pass "common sense gun safety laws."

Will Hillary Clinton be any more successful?

Who knows, but at least she is willing to make it a priority. And that is certainly more than any other candidate has been willing to do.


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