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Saturday, 16 April 2016

GQ makes the case for why Barack Obama will be considered one of the greatest Presidents of all time.

Courtesy of GQ: 

In so many ways, Obama was better than we imagined, better than the body politic deserved, and far, far better than his enemies will ever concede, but the great thing about being great is that the verdict of enemies doesn’t matter.  In fact, and I say this as a Bill Clinton fan, I now feel certain that, in the coming decades, Obama’s star will rise higher than Clinton’s, and he’ll replace Bill in the public mind as the Greatest Democrat since FDR. 

This has to do with the nature of Obama’s leadership, which is to play to legacy (and Clinton’s impulse, which is to play to the room). Bill Clinton will long be revered because he’s charismatic, presided over an economic revival, and changed and elevated the view of the Democratic Party. Barack Obama will long be revered because he’s charismatic, presided over an economic revival, and changed and elevated the view of the presidency. He’s simply bigger than Bill. 

More to the point, Obama’s legacy is the sort that gets canonized. Because the first rule of Hall of Fame-dom: The times have to suck for the president not to. Civil wars, World Wars, depressions and recessions. You got to have ’em if you wanna be great. That’s why we rate the Washingtons, Lincolns, and Roosevelts over That Fat Guy with the Walrus Mustache. Like Obama, these Great Men were dealt sucky hands, won big, and left the country better off than it was before. 

I am sure this will upset a lot of Bill Clinton supporters but I think the points made in the article are accurate, and to many of us obvious.

Personally I have been making the case for years now that there is no longer any question concerning the fact that President Obama is going to go down in history as one of our greatest Presidents ever.

The only question remaining is will he be considered THE greatest President in history.

(You know you can almost hear the Right Wing's sphincters tightening up and the very idea.)


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