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Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Chris Christie's wife cannot control her disdain as Donald Trump claims that the only thing Hillary Clinton has going for her is that she's a woman.

I have never been a fan of Mary Kate Christie but her reaction was perfect and undoubtedly spoke for millions of women across the country.

Here is the entire quote:  

“Frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she’d get five percent of the vote. The only thing she’s got going is the woman’s card. And the beautiful thing is women don’t like her, OK?” 

That is so deeply misogynistic that you can almost hear women across the country gasping in frustration and rolling their wrists and stretching their fingers so that they can even vote harder for Hillary Clinton in November.

In fact, just to drive that point home, this is what one of Trump's female advisers said about women voting in 2016:

Tana Goertz, senior adviser to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, argued Wednesday that the average woman who isn't keeping up with politics or "really using her own brain" will vote for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. 

“The average woman who isn’t really involved in politics or isn’t really using her own brain to go, 'let me see you know what does, what has this woman done for our country' — they’re just going in and saying 'I guess I should vote for her because she’s a woman,'" Goertz said in a panel discussion on CNN.

Oh yeah, I'm limbering up my wrists and fingers as well. I can hardly wait to shut this POS down in November.


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