Courtesy of Think Progress:
Young told WFQD on Wednesday that he initially supported Jeb Bush because he knew his “old man” and now prefers John Kasich. But, Young says, Kasich has no chance of winning because he has no “charisma” and people “don’t think anymore.”
Still, Young is seeking to rally Republicans around whoever is the nominee, calling this “the most crucial election” for Alaska and the nation. Why? Because Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton will seek to have the government “control everything you do.”
Everything? Yes, everything. Young goes on to earnestly explain that Sanders or Clinton would mandate “when to get up, what to eat, what you are thinking, what school you are going to go to and what you are going to believe.”
When ever anybody asks me if Alaska's elections are rigged, I always respond with "Have you heard about Congressman Don Young?"
There really is no other way to explain how he is still in office, since I have yet to meet one person who will admit to voting for him.
But do you know what? Young has already filed to run in 2016, and there is little doubt that he will easily win again.
Feel free to pity us.
Young told WFQD on Wednesday that he initially supported Jeb Bush because he knew his “old man” and now prefers John Kasich. But, Young says, Kasich has no chance of winning because he has no “charisma” and people “don’t think anymore.”
Still, Young is seeking to rally Republicans around whoever is the nominee, calling this “the most crucial election” for Alaska and the nation. Why? Because Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton will seek to have the government “control everything you do.”
Everything? Yes, everything. Young goes on to earnestly explain that Sanders or Clinton would mandate “when to get up, what to eat, what you are thinking, what school you are going to go to and what you are going to believe.”
When ever anybody asks me if Alaska's elections are rigged, I always respond with "Have you heard about Congressman Don Young?"
There really is no other way to explain how he is still in office, since I have yet to meet one person who will admit to voting for him.
But do you know what? Young has already filed to run in 2016, and there is little doubt that he will easily win again.
Feel free to pity us.