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Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Sarah Palin provides an update on husband Todd's condition.

Courtesy of Palin's Facebook page:  

Todd Palin is in intensive care at an Alaskan hospital with injuries including multiple broken and fractured ribs, broken shoulder blade, broken clavicle, knee/leg injuries; and a collapsed lung. He is presently back in surgery to repair multiple fractures. Thank you for your prayers for a speedy recovery. We, as his wife and children, appreciate your respect for our privacy during this time. Knowing Todd, once he's cognizant, he'll probably ask docs to duct tape him up and he'll call it good. He's tough.

So when this was written Todd was "back in surgery?"

I guess that means that he already underwent surgery while his wife lazily made her way back to Alaska.

According to the news Todd was injured Sunday night, yet Palin did not "suddenly" quit pimping for Trump until just before 12:00 PM Florida time, only to later show up later and give a somewhat unhinged speech for him before actually leaving to fly up here to see to her husband.

Such a dutiful wife don't you think?

Now I have been thinking about these injuries of Todd's and I have to say that I am a little baffled.

Whatever your opinion of Todd Palin might be, I think we can all agree that he has spent a great deal of time on snowmachines and clearly knows how to ride safely.

And yet here he is in the hospital receiving multiple surgeries, not as the result of injuries sustained while engaged in a high speed Iron Dog race, but while out making what appears to be a beer run to Cubby's Marketplace. A trip I am confident that he has made numerous times in the past.

So how does one damn near kill themselves while taking a leisurely drive to the store, when there are no other vehicles involved in the accident?

Things that make you go "Hmm."

But don't you fret. After all it's not serious enough that his daughter Bristol is distracted from her grifting.

Courtesy of Daddy's Little Girl's Instagram account:

bsmp2Always on the run, but I never leave the house without my #310shake! I've got to keep lean and energized! @310nutrition #fitmom #yum 🙋🏻🤓🗻

Why anybody would let this family within 100 yards of them is beyond me. 


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