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Sunday, 6 March 2016

Joe the Plumber might support Donald Trump because he got to bang hot women.

Courtesy of AOL: 

Sitting in his Ohio house, a Ruger handgun on a table next to him, Wurzelbacher told Reuters he has yet to decide who to support but he likes the caustic Trump, a real-estate developer and former reality TV show host, and is unhappy with the Republican Party establishment lining up against him. 

"He's a winner. He's made billions. He's dated beautiful women. His wife is a model. That's not to sniff at. And a lot of people believe he can bring that kind of success to the White House," said Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, 42, who shot to prominence during the 2008 campaign after then-Republican nominee John McCain seized on a confrontation Wurzelbacher had with then-Democratic candidate Barack Obama.

Sitting with a Ruger on the table during an interview actually explains a lot about this idiot's mental acuity.

And the idea that a man who used his wealth to convince gold diggers to touch his tiny Trump tower should be admire for that, much less be considered as presidential, is ridiculous in the extreme.

But what can you expect from a fake plumber who disrespected the President based on his misunderstanding of policies that would have had no negative impact on him anyhow?

Joe the Plumber is a fraud and a joke.

Hey, perhaps THAT'S why he feels a kinship with Donald Trump?


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