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Saturday, 5 March 2016

Is everybody ready for another primary? No? Well too bad we're having one. Update!

On the docket this evening are three states, Kansas, Louisiana, and Nebraska, for the Democrats. And four, Kansas, Louisiana, Kentucky, and Maine, for the Republicans.

Fivethirtyeight is giving Hillary Clinton 99% odds that she will take Louisiana. However Sanders has a much stronger shot in both Kansas and Nebraska.

As for the Republicans well it looks like almost a clean sweep for Trump, except it appears that Cruz has captured Kansas due to his ties with the evangelicals.

I see the Trump supporters are ready for the primaries.

I think we will know more of the numbers in about an hour for the states that still have polls open and I will post them here as they come in.

Update: Bernie wins Kansas.

Update 2: Ted Cruise wins Maine. That's two more states for the booger-man.

Update 3: Bernie wins Nebraska. The only state left for the Dems is Louisiana. 


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