These are all over Palin's Facebook page this morning, and as I looked at them I started to wonder why she would have SarahPAC waste resources creating them?
I mean it's not as if anybody would believe that Trump is receiving SarahPAC donations to help fund his campaign. He has been adamant that he is not taking any PAC money, and besides let's face it SarahPAC is not exactly known for handing cash to candidates.
And she certainly has not been helping him by making appearances on his behalf.
I think the last time she shared a stage with Trump was when she was blaming Track's PTSD on the President.
Not only that but since she has driven many of her supporters away by endorsing Trump, exactly who does she think will be inspired to donate to SarahPAC anyhow?
Yeah like I said I found the whole thing a little confusing.
It's almost as if she made a deal with Trump that she will continue to offer support on Facebook, and occasionally jump to his defense, in exchange for......I don't know, a job? Money? An audition for the Apprentice?
Beats me.
But since Donald Trump is all about making deals, and Sarah Palin does not do ANYTHING unless there is something in it for her, I am pretty sure that there is some quid pro quo happening here.
I mean it's not as if anybody would believe that Trump is receiving SarahPAC donations to help fund his campaign. He has been adamant that he is not taking any PAC money, and besides let's face it SarahPAC is not exactly known for handing cash to candidates.
And she certainly has not been helping him by making appearances on his behalf.
I think the last time she shared a stage with Trump was when she was blaming Track's PTSD on the President.
Not only that but since she has driven many of her supporters away by endorsing Trump, exactly who does she think will be inspired to donate to SarahPAC anyhow?
Yeah like I said I found the whole thing a little confusing.
It's almost as if she made a deal with Trump that she will continue to offer support on Facebook, and occasionally jump to his defense, in exchange for......I don't know, a job? Money? An audition for the Apprentice?
Beats me.
But since Donald Trump is all about making deals, and Sarah Palin does not do ANYTHING unless there is something in it for her, I am pretty sure that there is some quid pro quo happening here.