Bill O'Reilly and now ex-wife Maureen McPhilmy |
Bill O’Reilly can’t put a spin on this: his kids don’t want to live with him.
A New York appeals court has upheld a ruling that denied the Fox News host status as sole decision-maker for the 16-year-old daughter and 12-year old-son he had with his ex-wife, Maureen McPhilmy.
“There is a sound and substantial basis for the Supreme Court's determination that it is in the best interests of the children for the mother to be awarded primary residential custody,” the four-judge Appellate Division panel wrote.
“Particularly relevant in this case are the clearly stated preferences of the children, especially considering their age and maturity, and the quality of the home environment provided by the mother.”
Could not happen to a more deserving guy if you ask me.
Bill O'Reilly is an arrogant, misogynistic bully that you just KNOW mistreated both his children and his wife.
I love it when these blowhards who are also telling everybody else how to live, are revealed to be raging hypocrites whose own lives serve are the complete opposite of their public image.
Gee I'm trying to remember who that reminds me of.