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Monday, 21 March 2016

Donald Trump's border wall gets the John Oliver treatment. Does not survive intact.

Courtesy of Time:  

Last night, Oliver spent a new episode of Last Week Tonight doing his impression of the Kool Aid Man, knocking down the wall that the Republican presidential candidate wants to build to separate Mexico and the United States in order to curtail illegal immigration. While Trump has estimated the wall would only cost $4 billion, Oliver notes that, “Donald Trump’s margin of error is only the GDP of Moldova.” 

Oliver did the math on the project and the cost in both dollars and common sense is much more. In his take down of the idea, Oliver noted that the wall would cost an estimated $26 billion, would sit on on private property, could take up to ten years to build and has serious effectiveness issues. Oliver believes there is a better way to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain — buy everyone waffle irons.

Well great, now I'm hungry for waffles. 


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