So Bristol posted this picture of Trig wearing a Trump hat in celebration of Down syndrome day on her Instagram page.
Anybody with half a brain could see what happened next coming a mile away.
Courtesy of People:
"Yep that's Trump's target demographic," the fan wrote, which prompted Bristol to lash back in response.
"I wish I knew who you were, hope you don't happen to be a nurse with any child with Down syndrome. You are pathetic," the protective older sister wrote.
First I have no idea why Bristol mentions being a nurse, because that is way out in left field.
But secondly putting a child with Down syndrome in a Donald Trump hat during perhaps the most vicious and divisive political season in history, was OBVIOUSLY going to attract negative comments.
Which I contend is exactly why Bristol did it.
Just like her mother she likes to make provocative statements, and then hide behind innocent children so that she can play the victim/protector on their behalf.
A sort of modification of the Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome.
Interestingly enough while Bristol was begging for attention by following in her mother's footsteps, her ex was making even more distance between himself and all things Palin.
Courtesy of Dakota Meyer's Instagram page:
Today was supposed to be another landmark occasion for our president in his efforts to normalize relations with Cuba. In his speech today he took pause prior to any other matters of business to recognize the death of United States Marine Staff Sgt Louis F. Cardin of Temecula, California in Iraq this past Saturday. I would like to take this time to say thank you President Obama for not only taking the time to acknowledge his death but to make it a priority.
As we all know saying anything nice about President Obama is a cardinal sin to the Palins.
Which may have been the point.
(And before anybody asks me, yet again, no I do not know if Dakota saw his daughter, or how that visit went.)
Anybody with half a brain could see what happened next coming a mile away.
Courtesy of People:
"Yep that's Trump's target demographic," the fan wrote, which prompted Bristol to lash back in response.
"I wish I knew who you were, hope you don't happen to be a nurse with any child with Down syndrome. You are pathetic," the protective older sister wrote.
First I have no idea why Bristol mentions being a nurse, because that is way out in left field.
But secondly putting a child with Down syndrome in a Donald Trump hat during perhaps the most vicious and divisive political season in history, was OBVIOUSLY going to attract negative comments.
Which I contend is exactly why Bristol did it.
Just like her mother she likes to make provocative statements, and then hide behind innocent children so that she can play the victim/protector on their behalf.
A sort of modification of the Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome.
Interestingly enough while Bristol was begging for attention by following in her mother's footsteps, her ex was making even more distance between himself and all things Palin.
Courtesy of Dakota Meyer's Instagram page:
Today was supposed to be another landmark occasion for our president in his efforts to normalize relations with Cuba. In his speech today he took pause prior to any other matters of business to recognize the death of United States Marine Staff Sgt Louis F. Cardin of Temecula, California in Iraq this past Saturday. I would like to take this time to say thank you President Obama for not only taking the time to acknowledge his death but to make it a priority.
As we all know saying anything nice about President Obama is a cardinal sin to the Palins.
Which may have been the point.
(And before anybody asks me, yet again, no I do not know if Dakota saw his daughter, or how that visit went.)