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Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Another Todd Palin update.

There has not been any real news coming from the Palin camp since Sarah's Facebook update the day before yesterday.

However People magazine has reported that Todd's injuries "were so extensive" that he required six hours of surgery, which only makes his wife's sloth-like return to Alaska all the more disgusting.

As well as her cavalier approach to his injuries in her Facebook post:

Knowing Todd, once he's cognizant, he'll probably ask docs to duct tape him up and he'll call it good. He's tough.

Yeah you know I'm pretty tough as well, but I would hope that if I suffered multiple broken bones and a collapsed lung that my family would express real concern for my recovery, and you perhaps delay any grufting until I was fully recovered.

 Speaking of grifting SarahPAC has not missed a beat either, and this recent e-mail was sent out to their mailing list the day after Todd was found by a "bystander" broken and bleeding in the woods:

Hello Friend, 

I hope that you have been well. We are emailing you today because we are worried about the 2016 election. 

The national Democratic Party has taken advantage of Republicans being so focused on the Presidential race that they are now investing millions of dollars into smaller Congressional and Senate races. We at SarahPAC are afraid that once we have a presidential nominee, liberals will have already outworked us on the ground to elect radical progressives to congress. 

That’s why we are announcing a fundraising push for our Conservative Congressional Fund. FIRSTNAME, you are on of our top supporters. Which is why I am asking you to become a Founding Member of the fund. 

All it takes become a Founding Member of the Fund, and help bold and principled conservatives is a donation of $25 or more. 

Each donation is spent to elect conservatives with a backbone. Do you remember when Sarah Palin endorsed Ted Cruz or Ben Sasse for Senate? At the time, these two men were behind in the polls and very few people knew who they were. 

Sarah’s endorsement and SarahPAC have a proven record of making a difference and electing hardcore conservatives. 

Please become a Founding member of the Conservative Congressional Fund today. Let’s make history and elect 10, 15 or even 20 bold conservatives across the country. 

You can donate $25, $52, $100 or $250 or even more by clicking here. 

Thank you, Friend. 


You will notice that they were in such a hurry to send this out that they did not even take the time to replace "FIRSTNAME" with the person;s actual first name.

You know I sometimes think that I can never be more disgusted with this family than I already am, but then that proves to be untrue.

Comedian D.L. Hughley has some advice for Sarah Palin that I really think she should take to heart.

You know assuming she has a heart.


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