Five hour lines during Arizona primary |
What do Argentina, Costa Rica and Brazil have in common?
They all outranked the United States in a comparison of election standards and procedures conducted by the Electoral Integrity Project. The United States ranked 47th worldwide, out of 139 countries.
The survey is a measure of dozens of factors, including voter registration, campaign financing rules, election laws, the voting process and vote count.
Worldwide, vague campaign financing rules and the quality of media coverage were identified as the most frequent problems. In the United States, "experts expressed concern about the quality of the electoral laws, voter registration, the process of drawing district boundaries, as well as the regulation of campaign finance," the report states.
"In the United States, the 2012 Presidential election and the 2014 Congressional elections were ranked worst of any long-established democracy, especially on campaign finance and electoral registration," the report's authors concluded.
"It remains to be seen how experts assess the 2016 US presidential contest,"the expert commission assesses. "But the overall country ranking seems unlikely to improve given persistent problems of campaign funding, heated partisan polarization over registration and balloting procedures, claims of fraud in the Iowa GOP primaries, and an early primary campaign season characterized by the politics of personal attacks, dissatisfied voters, and populist appeals."
Gee, isn't America great?
And don't fool yourselves, it's not going to get better in 2016.
Now that the Supreme Court has essentially struck down the Voting Rights Act of 1965, we are going to see more voter suppression, and attempts to keep a certain segment of the population away from the polls by hook or by crook.
In fact we already saw that happen just this week in Arizona.
Remember folks THIS is the America we live in when the conservatives have the power.