I have not heard from Shailey for quite some time now. However yesterday she sent me this e-mail and asked me to share it and so I will:
"It has been 1 year and 8 months since I was brutally taken from my home and left to die in Mississippi.
Since then, the Mississippi police refuse to aid in the investigation of what happened to me and furthermore refuse to give me access to my own rape kit results. It is also my understanding that all the photographs taken of me in the hospital never made it to the Mississippi's DA's office. Furthermore, the Hammond police took many of my personal items that have sentimental value to me, and digital/computer devices totaling to over$ 8000.00 if I had to replace them today. What is more frustrating is people had donated alot of that stuff to help me gain independence and around the time this happened to me I was finally making money as a radio DJ and as a Freelance Writer.
Since this all happened I was weak mentally, emotionally, and my body needed quite a bit of time to heal. Moreover my children had to go live elsewhere and I was homeless and lost everything I owned directly due to my abduction. It has been only recently that my mind has become stronger, and I have aquired housing that I have not yet settled into yet.
I am being sued by creditors who I was not able to pay since I was abducted and lost my means to make a living, my car, the material things in my apartment, all my clothes, make up, my children's belongings. EVERYTHING! I can not tell you after everything I had been through previously how hard it has been to rebuild my life once again. I cry alot.
I have learned a few things along the way that I want to share with you the public One I am invisible to the police, they will not listen to me, they will not take statements from me, they will not protect me from the people who mean to do me harm. They do not even take me seriously. I know that the Hammond police department posted my whereabouts which caused media to call the hospital where I was at. the doctors and nurses did not let me know this. the hospital staff was caring and thorough. But when I did get to talk to the police in Mississippi the were unkind, accusing, and told me I was full of shit and that this was a publicity stunt and I needed to leave Mississippi and never come back. They said this in front of hospital staff. I know for the first 8 months after I left the hospital the Hammond police tried very hard to investigate and could not get Biloxi police to cooperate.
It is my belief and opinion that it was the Palins who tried to cause me harm. I know for a fact that Todd and Sarah Palin were in town specifically in Biloxi and Gulfport, MS the day I was found and taken to the hospital. I know for a fact they came again the following week to Biloxi again, and then Pascagoula ad then other areas of the south. And since then have harrassed me where ever I have went, even though I was off radar. They, as in Sarah Palin Todd Palin and some of their kids have made up false Facebook and twitter profiles and have let me know who they are and made veiled threats. When I left Biloxi and went to West Memphis, AR they showed up there. Everytime I went to New Orleans or Monroe, LA they, or at least Sarah Palin, would show up there. Whats more is they are sending family members, cousins and recently my dad nasty messages through social media and making veiled threats of harming my brother and his son. The most recent threat received today.
I can't live like this, in fear, in hiding constantly and my family and friends getting threats all the time. This is why I am choosing to make this public. I have hired a lawyer to help me get a restraining order on these people.
To Sarah and Todd Palin, I hope you read this. Please leave my family and I alone directly or indirectly. Please stop threatening me, all your solicitations are unwelcome. As of today any contact from you direct and indirectly I will see as a direct threat against my life or family members lives. It is only appropriate to let our lawyers speak to one another. You have been forewarned leave me alone. O r suffer both my personal wrath and all legal consequences available to me. I am not afraid of you anymore.
Lastly, as for me, I am not only a survivor, but I will triumph and succeed over this. Eventually. I still have money problems, family problems, and career problems. I do have people in my life who believe in me and are giving me the right opportunities and helping me create more of the right opportunities. I have my bad days but they are fewer, and my good days are moving me forward.
Shailey Tripp"
I have really nothing more to add here, this is exactly as I received this message with no editing, feel free to discuss your feelings in the comment section.
Source http://ift.tt/1UEVqWs
"It has been 1 year and 8 months since I was brutally taken from my home and left to die in Mississippi.
Since then, the Mississippi police refuse to aid in the investigation of what happened to me and furthermore refuse to give me access to my own rape kit results. It is also my understanding that all the photographs taken of me in the hospital never made it to the Mississippi's DA's office. Furthermore, the Hammond police took many of my personal items that have sentimental value to me, and digital/computer devices totaling to over$ 8000.00 if I had to replace them today. What is more frustrating is people had donated alot of that stuff to help me gain independence and around the time this happened to me I was finally making money as a radio DJ and as a Freelance Writer.
Since this all happened I was weak mentally, emotionally, and my body needed quite a bit of time to heal. Moreover my children had to go live elsewhere and I was homeless and lost everything I owned directly due to my abduction. It has been only recently that my mind has become stronger, and I have aquired housing that I have not yet settled into yet.
I am being sued by creditors who I was not able to pay since I was abducted and lost my means to make a living, my car, the material things in my apartment, all my clothes, make up, my children's belongings. EVERYTHING! I can not tell you after everything I had been through previously how hard it has been to rebuild my life once again. I cry alot.
I have learned a few things along the way that I want to share with you the public One I am invisible to the police, they will not listen to me, they will not take statements from me, they will not protect me from the people who mean to do me harm. They do not even take me seriously. I know that the Hammond police department posted my whereabouts which caused media to call the hospital where I was at. the doctors and nurses did not let me know this. the hospital staff was caring and thorough. But when I did get to talk to the police in Mississippi the were unkind, accusing, and told me I was full of shit and that this was a publicity stunt and I needed to leave Mississippi and never come back. They said this in front of hospital staff. I know for the first 8 months after I left the hospital the Hammond police tried very hard to investigate and could not get Biloxi police to cooperate.
It is my belief and opinion that it was the Palins who tried to cause me harm. I know for a fact that Todd and Sarah Palin were in town specifically in Biloxi and Gulfport, MS the day I was found and taken to the hospital. I know for a fact they came again the following week to Biloxi again, and then Pascagoula ad then other areas of the south. And since then have harrassed me where ever I have went, even though I was off radar. They, as in Sarah Palin Todd Palin and some of their kids have made up false Facebook and twitter profiles and have let me know who they are and made veiled threats. When I left Biloxi and went to West Memphis, AR they showed up there. Everytime I went to New Orleans or Monroe, LA they, or at least Sarah Palin, would show up there. Whats more is they are sending family members, cousins and recently my dad nasty messages through social media and making veiled threats of harming my brother and his son. The most recent threat received today.
I can't live like this, in fear, in hiding constantly and my family and friends getting threats all the time. This is why I am choosing to make this public. I have hired a lawyer to help me get a restraining order on these people.
To Sarah and Todd Palin, I hope you read this. Please leave my family and I alone directly or indirectly. Please stop threatening me, all your solicitations are unwelcome. As of today any contact from you direct and indirectly I will see as a direct threat against my life or family members lives. It is only appropriate to let our lawyers speak to one another. You have been forewarned leave me alone. O r suffer both my personal wrath and all legal consequences available to me. I am not afraid of you anymore.
Lastly, as for me, I am not only a survivor, but I will triumph and succeed over this. Eventually. I still have money problems, family problems, and career problems. I do have people in my life who believe in me and are giving me the right opportunities and helping me create more of the right opportunities. I have my bad days but they are fewer, and my good days are moving me forward.
Shailey Tripp"
I have really nothing more to add here, this is exactly as I received this message with no editing, feel free to discuss your feelings in the comment section.
Source http://ift.tt/1UEVqWs