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Friday, 19 February 2016

Ted Cruz suggests that Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson would make a good UN ambassador.

Courtesy of CNN:

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz made an unusual suggestion for U.N. ambassador at a rally on Friday: "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson. 

"How much would you pay to see the Russian ambassador's face when Phil says, 'What is wrong with you people?'" Cruz joked to an applauding crowd in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. 

"You know there's a reason he terrifies the mainstream media. He says the things you're not supposed to say," Cruz said at Friday's rally. "He actually remembers who we are as Americans and just speaks it with a joy, not with an anger, not with a hatred, with a joy in who we are."

Yeah, I don't think that the media is "terrified" of Phil Robertson. They're just horrified by his insance ramblings.

Speaking of insane ramblings, here is part of his speech at the very same rally where Cruz suggested his ambassadorship.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

“The strength of this nation will not be this Constitution, but the laws of God that the Constitution is based on. You get rid of God, you get him out and keep him from being your anchor — when you start allowing men to determine what is right, what is wrong, what is good, what is evil. You let men do it and they do not vet it with through this book,” he thundered, “Our founding fathers warned us over and over again, what you will end up doing is saying, ‘Well, now I know it sounds like a violation of commandment number six, which says do not murder, but we’re just going to go ahead and tell these ladies — ladies in America — they can kill their children.” 

During the 13-minute speech he barely mentioned the candidate before leaving the crowd with his final words: “Vote godly.”

My question right now would be "Is there anybody sane still supporting these Republican front runners?"


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