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Monday, 8 February 2016

So Sarah Palin would like you to believe that the reason for the backstage kerfuffle during the GOP debate was not stupidity, but rather Donald Trump's "compassion." Wait, what?

He's compassionate dammit!
Courtesy of Top Trump's Tassel Twirler's Facebook page:  

New Hampshire Debate Busts the Real Trump 

New Hampshire Voters: I'm glad you've gotten to know more of the real Donald Trump while he's meeting you in the beautiful Granite State. I'm excited for all of America to get know his true nature. Honored to know him well for quite awhile now, it's with great respect for him, his family, his accomplishments, his intentions for our nation that I encourage all to see through media filters and learn more about the man. He takes heat for standing up for what is right, (Wait, when did he do that?) but notice his bold strikes back are after someone else draws first blood. New Hampshire, if you want America to win, we need the leader who knows how to pick his battles and won't back down. Your Primary vote on Tuesday can reflect that. 

We already know how tough and passionate Trump is about winning for America. No one argues that. (I have my hand up right over here lady!) Unknown to some is, despite critics' characterization, he's also an extremely gracious man, evidenced in humble ways - almost like he dreads getting caught showing his virtues of generosity and compassion. (Yeah, that's it.) Those of us who witness this in him are anxious for all Americans to see more of the measure of this man. 

So to one of the most independent of the original colonies where your enviable state motto says it all - "Live Free or Die" - thank you for learning more about Donald Trump and how his true character will help make America great again. 

Yeah, I think this is a Palin original here. No ghostwriters were harmed in the production of this drivel.

Palin then links to the blog of a Breitbart wannabe making the case that the reason Donald Trump did not walk past a clearly befuddled Ben Carson and take the stage, is because he is so classy.

You know because that is the first thing we all think of when we think of Donald Trump.....classy.

I would suggest that neither Palin or this blogging moron saw the same backstage video that I did, but that would be false because it is embedded right in the piece along with his tortured defense.

So here, you take a look and see for yourself whether Donald Trump is demonstrating empathy and class, or if he was not also confused and then later stayed so that he could receive the applause that is like lifeblood to his ego.

You know I really never get tired of watching that.

Did you check out all of that Donald Trump "class?" 

Almost as much class as he demonstrated when he tried to buy the support of a New Hampshire veteran's organization with a $100,000 check.

I wonder how big the check was that bought Sarah Palin's support?


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